Oliver Stadie - Portfolio

Software Engineer • Game Developer • Software Architect and Designer • Generalist

Continuous Integration

Pokemon Go Manager

Pokémon Go Manager is a website to scan, analyze and rate the Pokémon you caught in Pokémon Go.

Stomap – A Project Management Tool

I’m currently developing a Project Management Tool to manage big amounts of GitHub issues (i.e. tasks) more convenient.

State Based Testing Software

I was lead developer for a testing software used in the automotive industry.

GUI Testing – A Concept and Tool to Test any Graphical User Interface

This is a GUI Testing Tool and concept to automatically analyse and test any GUI with a model based approach. This is the final thesis for my academic studies.


A spare time project with my room mate of a game remake as multiplayer. Goal is to experiment around with project management techniques, p2p software architectures and some technologies.

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