Oliver Stadie - Portfolio

Software Engineer • Game Developer • Software Architect and Designer • Generalist

Consulting & Soft Skills

Beneath the knowledge and experience it needs some soft skills to be a good consultant. It’s not easy to present soft skills in a written portfolio. Anyway here are some of my projects to serve as indicators:


I have a Blog where I write about Software Architecture and Design, Project Management or Software Development in general

Meetup: Software Architecture & Design Berlin

I’m the founder, organizer, speaker and reviewer of Berlins Meetup Group about Software Architecture and Design with around 500 Members.

Software Architecture & Design – An Overview

I held a talk about what is Software Architecture and Design in general at my own Meetup. My slides got some popularity on slideshare since then.


Occasionally I’m active on StackOverflow a famous Q&A-Platform for Software Developers.

Dipl. Inf. Oliver Stadie

I finished my degree in Informatics (aka Computer Science) with the subsidiary field Engineering Science with grade very good.

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