Oliver Stadie - Portfolio

Software Engineer • Game Developer • Software Architect and Designer • Generalist

Software Architecture and Design

I have a passion for Software Architecture and Design. While all software is based on an Software Architecture and Design it is not visible in the final result. These projects focus on Software Architecture and Design:


I have a Blog where I write about Software Architecture and Design, Project Management or Software Development in general

Meetup: Software Architecture & Design Berlin

I’m the founder, organizer, speaker and reviewer of Berlins Meetup Group about Software Architecture and Design with around 500 Members.

Software Architecture & Design – An Overview

I held a talk about what is Software Architecture and Design in general at my own Meetup. My slides got some popularity on slideshare since then.

State Based Testing Software

I was lead developer for a testing software used in the automotive industry.

GUI Testing – A Concept and Tool to Test any Graphical User Interface

This is a GUI Testing Tool and concept to automatically analyse and test any GUI with a model based approach. This is the final thesis for my academic studies.

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